Thursday, October 26, 2017

3D Objects 188 - Tent

Joey's weekly 3D Objects challenge #188 asks for the 3D object "Tent" and the tangle "Frunky". I hadn't done Frunky before so I wasn't quite sure how best to go about it. I confess, I am [probably] not the biggest fan of Frunky, so ideas eluded me. I decided I needed a wallpaper change and off I went with my group of camping enthusiasts into the jungle instead. To my utter dismay I noticed they had mounted the 3D "Tents" all over Frunkies and  ruffled them. Here is the proof:

Joey's weekly 3D challenge #188 with pattern Frunky
Pattern: Frunky - ruffled

Needless to say I am no longer a member of the camping enthusiasts!

Animal Happy Day

Dog Stuck In Well Is So Relieved When Rescuers Show Up


  1. A very creative and beautiful way to draw Frunky on this challenge Susie, I love the result!

    1. Thanks, Ria. If you are not very fond of something, you have to find a way to change it - albeit only slightly in this case.

  2. Your camping group is an interesting idea to use the given tent and Frunky in a new way. I like your beautiful interpretation! And I understand, that you don't like camping any more. I'm no friend of camping too!

    1. Yes, let's go hiking in the Andes, or do you prefer scuba diving in the Maldives?

  3. this has a wonderful 1920s feel to it.

    also, what a beautiful video on that doggie being saved.

    1. 1920? It's the dirty yellow, isn't it. Glad you liked the doggy video. In cases like these you believe in people again!

  4. Super cool! Love how you used curved lines on one of the 'tent's' surfaces to create another cool effect!

    1. Thanks, Joey. Curved lines are pushed up the tents' sides from the surrounding crushed Frunkies. I really feel sorry for the Frunkies.

  5. Camping is great until you wake up in the middle of the night! That's when your Frunkies get ruffled, I understand completely! Lovely shading Susie 😀

    1. Are you accusing me of sleep walking in the middle of the night through all the Frunkies?! I am innocent! Didn't do it! No, absolutely not! I fully blame the others - of course!

  6. Replies
    1. Hmmm, let's call it 'different'. I wished I was creative!


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