Saturday, August 06, 2022

Tangle 365 - Daily Bite-Sized Prompts July 2022, ZIA MayDays Alphabet Strings; Inspired by...

...on it goes with...  

Tangle 365 - Daily Bite-Sized Prompts 2022 - July 

We are officially in the second half of the year. In July we get tangle prompts grouped by 7 Zentangle artists.

1. Tangles by Damy Teng

Day 182 (July 1) PomX2, Day 183 (July 2) Liuliu Dashun. and Day 185 (July 4) Tofube
Day 182 (July 1) PomX2, and Day 183 (Jult 2) Liuliu Dashun
Day 184 (July 3) Drua
Day 184 (July 3) Drua with Printemps

Day 182 (July 1) PomX2, Day 183 (July 2) Liuliu Dashun, Day 185 (July 4) Tofube, Day 184 (July 3) Drua with Printemps
Tangle Patterns: PomX2, Liuliu Dashun, Tofube, Drua, Printemps

2. Tangles by Cherryl Moote

Day 186 (July 5) Morrisseau
Day 187 (July 6) Take Heart
Day 188 (July 7) Feeling Knotty
Day 189 (July 8) Hexonu, and Day 190 (July 9) Boucle

Day 186 (July 5) Morrisseau, Day 187 (July 6) Take Heart, Day 188 (July 7) Feeling Knotty, Day 189 (July 8) Hexonu, and Day 190 (July 9) Boucle
Tangle Patterns: Morrisseau, Take Heart, Feeling Knotty, Hexonu, Boucle

3. Tangles by Lynn Shelton Mead

Day 191 (July 10) ThreeZee
Day 192 (July 11) Abeko*, and Day 194 (July 13) Fassett
Day 192 (July 11) Abeko
Day 193 (July 12) Whirlee...twice

* The Abeko with Fassett looks a bit too modified, looks more like a different tangle I can't remember the name, so I drew a new tile.

Day 191 (July 10) ThreeZee, Day 192 (July 11) Abeko, Day 193 (July 12) Whirlee, Day 194 (July 13) Fassett
Tangle Patterns: ThreeZee, Abeko, Fassett, Whirlee

Day 193 (July 12) Whirlee
Tangle Pattern: Whirlee

4. Tangles by Margaret Bremner

Day 195 (July 14) Pamela
Day 196 (July 15) Windfarm
Day 197 (July 16) Double Double
Day 198 (July 17) Copada
Day 199 (July 18) Shing

Day 195 (July 14) Pamela, Day 196 (July 15) Windfarm, Day 197 (July 16) Double Double, Day 198 (July 17) Copada
Tangle Patterns: Pamela, Windfarm, Double Double, Copada

Day 109 (July 18) Shing
Tangle Pattern: Shing

5. Tangles by Tòmas Padrós

Day 200 (July 19) Inspiral
Day 201 (July 20) Blooming Kangular
Day 202 (July 21) Blind Membranart 
Day 201 (July 20) Kangular, Day 203 (July 22) F2F, and Day 204 (July 23) Wanderline

Day 200 (19) Inspiral; Day 201 (July 20) Blooming Kangular; Day 202 (July 21) Blind Membranart; Day 201 (July 20) Kangular; Day 203 (July 22) F2F; and Day 204 (July 23) Wanderline
Tangle Patterns: Inspiral, Blooming Kangular, Blind Membranart,
Kangular, F2F, Wanderline

6. Tangles by Adele Bruno

Day 205 (July 24) Fancy Nancy...twice
Day 207 (July 26) Lanie...twice
Day 208 (July 27) Mel Mel drawn in one continuous line as recommended
Day 206 (July 25) Citrus

Day 205 (July 24) Fancy Nancy, and Day 207 (July 26) Lanie
Tangle Patterns: Fancy Nancy, Lanie

Day 208 (July 27) Mel Mel;  and Day 206 (July 25) Citrus
Tangle Patterns: Mel Mel, Citrus

7. Tangles by YuRu Chen

Day 209 (July 28) FloFlower
Day 210 (July 29) Flipdown-L
Day 211 (July 30) VLace
Day 212 (July 31) Sinchun

Day 209 (July 28) FloFlower; Day 210 (July 29) Flipdown-L; Day 211 (July 30) VLace; Day 212 (July 31) Sinchun
Tangle Patterns: FloFlower, Flipdown-L, VLace, Sinchun

All my Tangle 365 - Daily Bite-Sized Prompt tiles (January 1 to July 31) I collect in my Google Album folder. 

In my next post I continue this year-long challenge with the August prompts... I have to admit that with this challenge I wobble drastically between a very, very low drawing energy and a hugely high motivation, but am very much driven to do all days to the very end...December 31. Anybody else having done all days thus far? 

And thus: "Off, off into the August prompts...".

ZIA TT&T MayDay's Alphabet Strings Challenge 2022

This challenge is back on its legs! I started with MayDays 1 to 8 (the green and pink sets, in my June post) and here are the next 4 days - the blue set.

Day 9, letter X - XO, Xmas-Red, X-Ess
Day 10, letter P - Pentnep, Petal Puddle, Pico
Day 11, letter A - Angeleafe, Any´s Peacockpaisley, Artoo
Day 12, letter K - Kawffee, Kalooa, Kazoo
(...'only' 14 more to go...)  

ZIA TT&T MayDay's Alphabet Strings X, P, A, K
Tangle Patterns starting with letters X, P, A, K  

Or check out the Google Album where I placed - and will place - all my ZIA MayDays Alphabet String tiles.

Inspired by...

...Motherhood Knot by the Tireless Tangler.

inspired by---Motherhood Knot
Tangle Pattern: Motherhood Knot

...a "Heart" Celtic Knot pattern surrounded by Florez.

Inspired by...a "Heart" Celtic Knot pattern surrounded by Florez
Tangle Patterns: "Heart" Celtic Knot, Florez

...same tile in the negative.

Negative of "Heart" Celtic Knot tile above

Animal Happy Day

Who would have thought, Mark Levine a huge dog lover. If this is not heart-grabbing....

Hilarious funny vs devastatingly appalling

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

CO and Coal, my two not-liking-each-other male cats, enjoying their treats as in-harmony Yang-Yang and loving-each-other brothers. Again, pictures can and do tell lies.

Thanks for visiting my post and I
wish all extreme heat suffering visitors a cool day.
Quite comfy cool here in Thailand with all the rains, storms,
and strong winds ruling our days.

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