Tangle Patterns: Flux, Bysomnus, Tufton, Z'ele, and Capz
Hump Day #9 runs under the theme "Listen to the Music". Tangles free to choose. I decided to fill my musical key with Narwal. I like Narwal. Wonder why I don't use it more often. Anyway, I made 2 tiles for this challenge and, of course, both with Narwal as the main ingredient.
Tangle Patterns: Narwal and Stonestory
Tangle Pattern: Narwal
♻️ Then I took the musical key and diva danced it on a toilet roll tile. Recently I read about drawing a random string and aura it (sorry, forgot where I read this). The key I used in the above challenge was simply perfect for doing just that. So here yet another Hump Day #9 tile made with the random string/aura idea.
Tangle Patterns: Diva Dance and Tipple
IAST challenge #301 with just one tangle: Gelijoy. Easy. I like monotangle tiles but wondered why this turned out so cartoonish.
Tangle Patterns: Gelijoy
IAST challenge #302 - a milestone birthday for Adele, the founder of this weekly challenge. IAST is now celebrating its 6th year and many of us tanglers double cross our fingers Adele will have many more IAST birthdays to celebrate.
At first my tile was simple, flat, not celebratory enough. So I dashed to the next stationary shop and bought a glitter glue tube, hoping the shine will give the tile that lift up I was looking for. Unfortunately, to bring out the glitter I had to go to a dark spot in my house and use the flash feature on my mobile camera app and now it is...not as I thought it would be. Well...
Tangle Patterns: Decoo, Firecracker, Jonqal, Joy
With glitter
I was so caught up in the 100DayProject that I had no power left to even look at Summer Tangles 2019 when it started just a few days before the 100DayProject ended. Now also this project is ending its completion and I could not not do at least ONE tile. So here my contribution for August 28 and the tangle 8C. I added Indy-Rella and Pokeleaf.
Tangle Patterns: 8C, Indy-Rella, Pokeleaf
Inspired by...Doo Dah. I put it into a wonky grid and thickened the parallel lines. Now it looks more like Indy-Rella in a wonky grid. Well, it was worth a try. LOL
Tangle Pattern: Doo Dah
Inspired by...4C Rope. When pattern collection introduced the 4C Rope tangle step out they also listed a video How-To by Ellen Wolters. Somewhere at the beginning of her tutorial she omitted a step which she later corrected, but I thought her 'mistakes' looks really good and I will do it, too. So here my tile with Ellen Wolters; omission.
Tangle Pattern: 4C Rope
In her video she also includes another way to draw 4C Rope. I didn't care too much about the outcome, but decided I will find my own 'other' way. So on the below tile all I did was draw the first step (the little squares) instead of straight at a 45' angle.
Tangle Pattern: 4C Rope
And my 3rd 4C Rope monotangle tile is - you guessed it - in a wonky grid. As so often, drawing a grid tangle in a wonky grid doesn't always turn out better!
Tangle Pattern: 4C Rope
I couldn't get that 4C Rope tangle out of my mind.....
Tangle Pattern: 4C Rope
....and a version potpourri of it.
Tangle Pattern: 4C Rope
Finally the last 4C Rope!
Tangle Pattern: 4C Rope
Square One week of August 23-29 featuring the tangle Wunderwall - or is it?
"Isn't this fragment D1?"
"No, it's Wunderwall, it has circles, D1 has dots."
"Well then, what about Hemp? It looks exactly like the tangle Hemp."
"NO! No, no. Hemp's step out, although one of its options has circles, is drawn with the paper turned 90'. So Wunderwall can't be Hemp."
"Hmm, looks like fragment D1 and/or Hemp to me!"
"Go get your glasses, and while you are at it stop being so sarc...."
"I am NOT sarcastic!!! And Wunderwall IS D1 and/or Hemp! Full Stop!"
Jeez...who cares!
Tangle Pattern: Wunderwall
So here my tile inspired by Wunderwall, fragment D1, and Hemp...definitely Hemp.
Tangle Patterns: Fragment D1, Hemp, Wunderwall
The 'Dead and Dying Grass' Solution
My garden is small with lots of plants with low hanging leaves that provide shade and cool during those hot tropical days of which there are aplenty here in Thailand. However, my grass never appreciated the shade and kept dying leaving me with just dirt. So recently, after yet another new planting kicked the can, I decided a more permanent solution has to be applied... STONES! And thus it was: the dead and dying grass came out👎🏻and super beautiful terracotta/brownish colored stones came in 👍🏻. Perfect!
From the front |
From the side |
With above project under the hood I made my new project to be the bathroom, the grout in the shower to be more precise, an eye-sore par excellence. Armed with brush and white acrylic paint I started to apply the paint to the grout and WOW! what a difference!!! As wonderful as the result turned out to be I am no avid grout painter; I can do about an hour before I get bored. In order to not 'lose' focus and strong will I pledged to myself that I will spend an hour every day until this project is done (unless something more pressing pops up...please).
Acrylic painted grout on left - eye-sore on the right
Animal Happy Day
Would you deliberately put a band of thumb tacks around each of the tires of your company car and watch how they gradually damage the tires until you can't use the car anymore and have to buy new tires? No, of course not, you wouldn't do that. That is why I never understand how owners of working animals deliberately torture their 'tools' to the point where the animals break down and in many cases die. Wouldn't you think it is in the owners' interest to treat these animal as best they can so it will be strong, lasts for a long time, and brings maximum results? This video is such a case of "ME THINKING". Luckily, and thanks to the team of Animal Aid Unlimited, India, this donkey's working days are over and all that is asked of him now is to be happy and enjoy life. Well done, AAU-team.And a last short, 43 second, funny one....You can't fool little owls. Love it!!!
Nowadays, C.O. being inside my house sleeping has 'unfortunately' become an only too familiar sight.
C.O., the Intruder |
To all and everyone visiting...Have a great weekend!
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