31 Days of INKktober 2024 following Stephanie Jennifer's official listing one day at a time.
I used the odd tile sixe of 8x9cm because they are leftover paper pieces from my 9x9cm cuttings.
I also did something I haven't done till this collection: I watercolor painted the background AFTER I drew the pattern. I learnt that it does't work so well when paining over black spaces.
...Hexagon, a background I noticed on the Ruthless potcast.
Tangle Pattern: Just Hexagons
...♻️CZT Nadine Roller's tangle
Believe on packaging paper.
Tangle Pattern: Believe
Time to Kill...
Here we go again, Brainteasers. Either I suffer from a sever case of
braincell loss or something was preventing me from 'reading 4 and 5', of
which 5 is really clever.
Solutions - as always - right at the end of this post in the smallest font
size so you don't accidentally scroll all the way down and read the
solutions without having had a proper go at the quiz.
Animal Happy Day
... and sometimes they choose you.
Brain teaser solutions:
7 – Vegetables
8 – Afternoon tea
9 – Camping overnight
10 – Time to go
11 – Long time no see
12 – Polite
This post should have been published a long time ago, instead I spent all my
free time tangling. Inktober 2024 is done and I post it in the next day or two
and a new post with 6 weeks of Monotangle Mondays is already in the pipe, too.
It is weird: I love filling a post with tiles, but deciding when to publish
the post is like a slightly too high hurdle to jump at times. Thus the delay.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family.
How to draw EVVIE
Online instructions for drawing Cyndi Knapp's Zentangle® pattern: Evvie.
Continue reading this article.
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