♻️ Square One September 21 - 27, 2018 with LEE-BEE. If you've ever visit Angkor Wat in Cambodia you noticed whole temples suffocated by Strangling trees. My Angkor Wat 'temple' got engulfed by Lee-Bee.
Tangle Patterns: Lee-Bee
DIVA's challenge #369 is Orb-tastic. OK, I agree, it is not an 'Out of this World' Zentangle tile, but you can't deny it, it is 'Out of this World'.
Black & White...
Tangle Patterns: Planets, Bublz, Tipple
...and with a flare of galaxy color overlayed.
Tangle Patterns: Planets, Bublz, Tipple
FBs creative prompt group "Anything Goes" presents us with an octagon string challenge. I did 4 tiles because somehow my creative mind froze and got stuck in octagons.
I personally like this the best. There is truth in the KISS method.
Fun tile with focus on a heavily altered Rainking tangle.
Tangle Patterns: Rainking
IAST challenge #262 using tangle Gourdgeous and some Wooooooo! We all have tangles we like and tangles we like less, or yes, even tangles we run away from when we read the first letter of its name. Gourdgeous is such a tangle for me. No matter what I try, no matter how often I draw it, it has 7 seals I don't seem to be able to crack. Having said all the above, I conquered my inner you-know-what and drew my IAST tile (thank heavens that's done!), albeit again a day past deadline.
No can do. When the DIVA says "Straight Lines" it does mean 'Straight' lines'. So I made an experimental tile and drew 3 grid tangles in petals or leaves string and an ogee grid. Akira in both, ogee and leaf string; Bundles in ogee grid; and a Rainking tangleation in petals. Although I prefer the first tile, you can't knock the 2nd, the lines are straight!
♻️ IAST challenge #261 this week features Hexonu (Hex on you) and 3-Loops-6. After I completed the recycled packaging paper tile I wasn't 'thrilled' with the outcome, but I liked the Hexonu tangleation. So I tried again on a yellow smaller tile (emphasize on 'tried' - 'trying' doesn't guarantee success!).
Now my hope is focused on next week's challenge. May the string/tangles dice fall more favorably for me.
Tangle Patterns: Hexonu, 3-Loops-6
Oh, well. Well...... well, well, well! (That is all I can say to this, but it was fun drawing it)
Tangle Patterns: Hexonu, 3-Loops-6
Ready, Set, Anything Goes on Facebook this week lets us play with Crescent Moon. After I finished this pink tile, Crescent Moon in Circles, I remembered the leaf experiments I did for above DIVA...
Tangle Pattern: Crescent Moon in Circles
...thus the 2nd tile, Crescent Moon in Leaves, was born. And from here it was only a tiny step to my 3rd tile...
♻️ 'Nzeppel, or Crazy 'Nzeppel, is the featured tangle in DIVA #367. Am not sure what "Crazy 'Nzeppel" really is, but figured it must be different to the normal one. So I made my own "different" 'Nzeppel, the "Pointy 'Nzeppel", short for "Any 1-Corner Pointed 'Nzeppel", and added Klabue. Tile is my favorite packaging material.
Tangle Patterns: Pointy 'Nzeppel, Klabue
We all love 'Nzeppel, so I had to do it again: My 2018 'Nzeppel study. I recall DIVA having an 'Nzeppel challenge running in July last year where I also made a study, even with an update. This 2018 'Nzeppel study is about a string. I used this string in all the tiles more than once:
The String
First 'Nzeppel tile with a shadow; 2nd tile the same string twice, at 90' to each other and beadlines; 3rd tile the same string twice, at 45' and moved down an inch; last tile the same string 3x with Pointy 'Nzeppel.
A new challenge called "Ready, Set, Anything Goes" has arisen on Facebook and the 2nd challenge runs under the title "Alphabet Soup". The good thing, no string and no preset tangles...as it says: Anything Goes. My tile is called Double D, not as in bra size, but for Dagobert Duck.
In case you do not believe me...Dagobert's Duck Safe
Adele from TickledToTangle has her 5th IAST (It is a String Thing) challenge anniversary with her 260th edition. 5 candles on the tile are deservedly so, decorated with the tangles Kitl, Prestwood, O (for Oscar - one of her own tangles), and Knightsbridge, a classic tangle. I tried to do better for this occasion than last year and will actually stay with the string Adele provided. But it wasn't to be; it didn't work out for me. I tried real hard, made several attempts, but never succeeded for the tile to look pleasing to anyone's eye. So I gave up and almost gave up on the challenge itself, too. However, Sunday morning came along and I chastised myself for being so stupid. "Just draw 5 candles, dah! How difficult can that be? And show a bit more gratitude, woman!"
And so I did.
Dear Adele, thanks so much for all the fantastic challenges (and some are real challenges) you entertained us throughout the last 5 years. I may not always send in my tiles, but I do hop over to your site every Wednesday morning as if the day is stenciled into my DNA. A very Happy 5th Anniversary, Adele!
PS: if you see a 6th candle...totally unintended!
Tangle Patterns: Kitl, Prestwood, O, Knightsbridge
IAST #259 with tangles Hollibaugh, 7Keys, Sling-Slang, Diamonte. Am I the only tangler in the whole world who didn't get last week's IAST challenge? Or is my whole being so averted to ribbons that my brain never registered the string was all about ribbons?
Quiz part 1 is the question, part 2 the answer. It will be revealed in my next week's post. So....
What is this?
Hint: it might not be the obvious. Good luck.
....and now to some....
....Animal Happy Day
Duck's on the menu this week. Even if you do not like duck, you will love this one!
Wishing you a great week and stay out of the bad weather.
Summer Tangles 2018 Finale! I did it! Thank you, Yankee Tangler. Okay, you noticed, I missed 3 days (August 3 with Dingbatz August 23 with Zenribbon and August 31 with Macrotangle (work large). I may still do them at a later stage, but for now I lean back and enjoy a fine can of beer to celebrate this Finale and Shadow's Sweet 16 Birthday. He made it!
♻️ August 25 & 26 with Zenith and Snail tangles respectively and Florz. I am glad I disgarded my earlier tile with Zenith and two other tangles. I like this much better although it doesn't yet meet the standards for 'just a tiny taste of tangle', a phrase taken off one of Ragged Ray's old DIVA challenge pages, which I aimed for. (Recycled tile from packaging material.)
Tangle Patterns: Zenith, Snail, with a bit of Florz
August 28 - Celtic Knot with August 18 - Frames. I chose 'Frames' as a tangle this time and weaved it into the corners (last week I made frames). I think it is a great extension to this particular Celtic Knot. Mooka 'frames' the Knot/Frames combo.
Tangle Patterns: Celtic Knot with Frames at corners and Mooka
August 29 - Cayke (flowers) and September 3 - Spoolies
Tangle Patterns: Cayke, Spoolies, Tipple, Zingger
September 2 - Z-Trik with another double: Irradial. Garnishing: Jetties and some leafy pods.
Tangle Patterns: Z-Trik, Irradial, Jetties
August 22 & 24 with Arc Flower and Lollywimple, accompanied by Hexonu.
Tangle Patterns: Arc Flower, Lollywimple, Hexonu.
♻️ August 30 - DL Labyrinth and September 1 - Maryhill and Square One week August 31 to September 6 with PeelD.(Recycled tile from packaging material.)
Tangle Patterns: DL Labyrinth, Maryhill, PeelD
Inspired by Summer Tangles September 1, a tiny tile with Maryhill and Florz-Starz
Tangle Patterns: Maryhill, Florz-Starz
Refresher #186 with Flukes, Amadou, Soluna, Knightspeek, Achy Breaky.
DIVA challenges are back and there are a lot of tanglers all over the world that are jumping up and down with joy - I am one of them! Thanks Laura!
♻️ So DIVA challenge #365 runs under the theme "Back to Basics": a simple string with some of the first and most popular tangles. When I read the tangle list I instantly missed Pokeroot, so I decided to do a Pokeroot and Pokeleaf string and to link the tangles one to the other. I admit, this tile looks spooky. Skull jumps to mind. (Recycled tile from packaging material.)
♻️ Square One week September 7 - 13: Bran. When I first saw Bran I didn't give it a second thought. I was certain I was going to skip this challenge. Friday evening, with all my chores done for the day, Bran jumped to mind again: 'Why not?'. I grabed a piece of copier paper and pen and looked whether I can come up with something I like and that looks vaguely similar to Bran. 2 minutes later I got it! And now I am glad I gave Bran a chance (and a new look). (Recycled packaging)
Tangle Patterns: Bran
Shadow had his 16th birthday yesterday. The Happy Birthday 'party' was pretty quiet with just him and me attending, but he didn't complain. I went to the market and bought 30 different fish balls for him. He loooooves those soft tasty snacks, so easy to eat. Bones have been off the treat list for quite a while. He still has left-overs, so we are celebrating 'Happy Birthday' a few days longer.
After the party it was right back to R&R....except for his stomach.
Animal Happy Day
I admit, this kind of videos I am not particulary fond of. No moving pictures only stills, and stills that repeat themselves over and over again and the storyteller's voice is robotic; still, I clicked on the white arrow - the title, it is somewhat intriguing - and I ended up with tears of joy and sadness.
Enjoy the weekend and any Birthday party you have coming up this week!
Refresher #185 with Finery, Pezember, Lily-Eyes, Spoolies, Puffy 8's. For whatever reason, this refresher gave me some hard times and no sooner had I finally finished it, #186 came out today.
IAST #258 with Antidots, Apacore and Afterglo. Antidots I textured into Apacore because I realized too late I had forgotten about it. Goodness me, I really have to do something about my forgetfulness....
Square One for the week of August 24 - August 30, 2018 - Hexonu
Tangle Pattern: Hexonu
And following this week's results for Summer Tangles 2018. My dates jump a bit all over the place. Many past dates are still not done, but I keep catching up.
August 27 - Strircles. Now this one was easy.
Tangle Pattern: Strircles
August 20 - Balo. Another tangle that is not looking like intended, but I gonna keep this one as a valid result because it represents 'fun' and 'disappointment' at the same time for me. Fun I had while drawing those leave loops and the circles and the whole thing; disappointed I was that the bookmark wasn't any longer.
Tangle Pattern: Balo
August 18th - Frames, here with climbing Mooka.
Tangle Pattern: Climbing Mooka for 'Frames'
Finally! Here the 'other Twilight tile'.
August 21st - Embedded Letter. If this doesn't make up for the too liberal IAST #257 Twilight, I don't know what will. The embedded letters are, you guessed it, SNG.
Tangle Patterns: Embedded Letters SNG with the real Twilight and Sez
Shadow - my grumpy (literally) and grumpy-looking old man.
Next week on Friday Shadow will be 16. Now I have no doubt that he will make it to the 7th. I had a health check done a week ago and the vet assured me that despite his skin problem, blindness, deafness, loss of smell, weakness in standing up, occasional disorientation (which he masters to a T by pumping into something familiar (everything is familiar) to get his bearing again) but with an appetite of a horse he is still strong. Fine, so he is leaking a bit, but even that is under control with self-made nappies. I thank Shadow every day for being a boy!
Both the photos are of today, Saturday September #1. However, the above took much longer to get as he is mostly dwelling in his second favorable pastime (micro-close to the first which is food, treats, and anything edible). Below he is sporting his latest leakage control outfit. Oh, he is such a sweety!
Animal Very Happy Day
Check out this story about a truck driver who was allowed a looooong haul to bail out this cutey of a Pitty on death row. Kudos to driver, employer, and the shelter for its decision to hold execution! I just looooove stories like that.
How to draw AFRIKA
Online instructions for drawing CZT® Suzanne McNeill's Zentangle® pattern:
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