I didn't get many tangle tiles done this week as 'things' happened outside the tangle world. Still, I had tons of fun with the DIVA #357 challenge, highlighting Paradox in a monotangle. Some tangles are best drawn dominating a large part of a tile to really show their potential beauty. Paradox is one of them.
What I don't like on Paradox though is the last bit we draw, the triangles. I tried to avoid them. I also use rectangles like triangles and drew Paradox 'around one corner' and that came out really well, too. In the blue, all corners are rectangles.
Tangle Pattern: Paradox
Paradox in a free-style grid
Tangle Pattern: Paradox
Paradox a la Shell-Xcape
Tangle Patterns: Paradox a la Shell Xcape with Clob
Paradox initial triangle
Paradox Extended. I started both tiles with a triangle, drew Paradox, and then added extensions to the triangles. Very similar to tangle Hamadox.
Tangle Patterns: Paradox Extended with Lee Bee and Paradox Extended-Extended
Last week’s IAST challenge, #235, didn’t come easy to me. When it came out and I saw the intense string and many tangles I shook my head and decided to wait. As we know, Time will Tell, and I waited for the 'Tell'. It came last Friday night while I was spread out and relaxed in front of the TV with Shadow snuggled next to me (of course, when else?). Fine, my blog had already gone out, but it wasn’t too late for Adele - yet. This shows again that it is better to let an idea grow in our subconscious mind than to push and force for 'any' tile.
A Squiggles tiny training tile for Refresher #175. The best part of the tile is the folded border at the top.
Tangle Patterns: Squiggles and Fluxecho
Animal Happy Day
Calves are maybe not everybody's favorite rescue animal videos. Calves are veal and not companions for the majority of us. But here is Harvey, a calf that survived Harvey, the tropical storm, because of people who are not like the majority of us.
Joey's challenge #208 or the first case of two tiles! If you've read a previous post of mine you guessed it, this means 'Bad Tile'. But no, not all that bad in these cases. In Joey's tile #1 I like all the tangles. Stickers, a tangle I love, but always forget it exists; Coil, here my free-style version and still, it has its charm; Sledgling in winter with its Shattuck coat; the two single Cat-kins certainly didn't make the tile look bad (!); and yes, even my weak version of Tupuk by Ria Matheussen I wouldn't blame for the eye-soar. It's the combination of them all, the design I can't befriend.
Tile #2 looks more interesting in my eyes. More unpredictable albeit the fact that I started both with the same Coil diagonal through the tile. While I had a plan in my mind for #1, #2 was drawn on the spur of the moment.
Tangle Patterns: Coil, Flux, Stickers, Cat-Kin, Tupuk and the Sedgling/Shattuck combo
Diva #356 and the 2nd 'case of two tiles' and that surprised even me! I was sure I would give DIVA a miss this week as I am not much into name strings. But then I thought this 'way out' was too easy. After a good shaking of my head I thought I had it! Hide the name string! After all, is that not what tangle tile drawing is all about? Clever! And thus tile #1 was born.
Tangle Pattern: Wholly Hollibaugh
I thought I might do a too good a job of hiding the name string and nobody believes there is one. Therefore an image of the string. Big 'S', turn 90' for 'u', turn 90' for 'e', S-u-e, my short unofficial sig.
S-u-e name string to DIVA 356
Now that my name string tile went well, I felt like doing another one. (Yeah, surprised even me!) On tile #2 the string is clearly visible, "sng" (official Zentangle sig), but I also like the overall design. Out of a No-DIVA-Tile-For-This-Week I got two done all by applying a little self discipline.
Shell Xcape is a new tangle I instantly fell in love with when I saw M. Barlow introduce it to us on her YouTube channel. Clob, by Ragged Ray, is another one I had planned and never got a Round Tuit. (I got one now!*) Finally Split Ball. I call it Split Ball, always have, but I don't know whether it exists already. When I saw Ria's Tupuk I thought I can string up my balls as well. Maybe the tangle should now be called Spluk? Ria! What do you think? Spluk? Hm...I like it!!!!
* BTW - if you, too, have no Round Tuit, get this one or tangle your own.
Animal Happy Day
Hey! California! If you are reading this, maybe you can help? Watch this video and help making it a Animal Happy Day to the very end. (PS: dog's paw is A-OK today)
And then there is Viktor again. I have been following Luna's recovery progress at Viktor's hospital ever since she arrived. The journey started painful; the journey lasted long, 4 months long; and the journey was difficult to watch...but what an 'Animal Happy Day' in the end!
This week's DIVA challenge #355 is Verve. I picked a water colored tile, drew Verve in the corner, then into another corner...and a third corner and voila, my tile was finished in no time. One of the quickest tiles as of late and it looks funny, like the head of a ram.
Tangle Pattern: Verve and Verve alone
After looking at it for a while I thought I can do better... And indeed! Here my very traditional Zentangle DIVA Verve tile. I even added Festune, one of the first tangles I learnt when I started with Zentangle Art with Beckah Krahula's book One Zentangle A Day.
Tangle Patterns: Verve, Indy-Rella, Pokeleaf, Flux, Undling, Msst, Henna Drum, Festune and PS helped putting a color spin to it.
Joey's Weekly Challenge #207 still runs under the "Ribbons (!) and Curls" theme and we have Pokeleaf as the main tangle. My ribbons are small but I made up for it with "Double Pokeleaves". No sooner did I finish this 'new' Double Pokeleaf tangle I got an idea....
Tangle Patterns: Double Pokeleaf, Brooch, Tupi
...and here the idea: "Double Pokeleaf Wholly Hollibaugh". What a mouthful this name is. However, I still need some practice scattering glitter on my tiles evenly. LOL
Tangle Pattern: Double Pokeleaf Wholly Hollibaugh
Here are the Bridges! When I drew Lily Bridge for last week's Joey tile #206 a thought was nagging at the back of my head: 'this tangle has potential for more'! So this tile was born.
Focus on tangle pattern Lily Bridge with Jetties, Earjool
I am presently working on the tanglepatterns.comRefresher tile #174, the first of two for this month. One of the 5 tangles is 3V. I was quite taken by it. Simple, beautiful, lots of possibilities and geometric.
Focus on tangle pattern 3V
These are "Ragged Ray" tiles or tiny RR tiles. I was quite impressed how she drew beautiful Zentangle art on tiny tiles and had to try them out. Still learning here, but some came out quite OK in my eyes. And should I mess up, well, it would be only a tiny mess.
Gudrun S., told you I have to try out Kwazeela...and now I am still at it!
Focus on tangle pattern Kwazeela with my beloved Dublin
Focus on Brooch, the tangle I used in this week's Joey tile with tangles Nzepple, Zinger, Fescu, Tipple
This is my version of Ria Matheussen's Tupi tangle. It may look weird, so let me explain. I drew two normal Tupi next to each other and then used the space between the two to create a third.
Focus on Tupi by Ria Matheussen, the tangle I used in this week's Joey tile
This is 3V gone wild. Yes, the same tangle as above, the grey-blue tile. Lots of possibilities. Love it!
Focus on 3V with Photoshop freckles
This is again a Refresher #174 request tangle: Starcrossed. The original didn't do much for me, I had to find an interpretation I liked. Voila, here comes 'Starcrossed Flower'!
Focus on Starcrossed - now Starcrossed Flowers
Last but not least...here my String Rose Swirl tile, a tangle by Helen Williams and a tangle I really struggled with. I kept this place open...didn't want to publish the post until the tile was done! (The pressure I was under...you cannot imagine!) The rose butt itself I had under control since my last week's post, but the swirls!!!! Well, these (!) swirls are my (!) swirls and I better start accepting them.
Above I have a section about 'tiny tiles'. In comparison with these pencil art pieces they are huuuuuuuge though! Click here to see amazing real pencil art work.
Animal Happy Day
A guy and his cat (how more lovable can it get?)
Thank you, everybody, for visiting my post and have an amazing weekend.
In DIVA #354 Siri is the tangle of the week. It is a grid tangle and looks amazing. But, as shown in my tile, it looks equally beautiful as a freehand drawn flower. I added one of my present fav tangles: Dublin. If you haven't given Dublin a go yet, don't! You risk getting addicted to it. The 3rd tangle, the one at the top left, is called a space filler. Yes, we need those, too.
Tangle Patterns: Siri, Dublin, and the space filler
Joey's #206 challenge is the first (for me) where we are asked to draw a tangle by Grafistka.com. I call it their 'waves' tangle and have yet to see a tangle they named. Maybe they call it 'this one' and 'that one with the dots'. Anyway, one of my other tangles is Kwazeela. I saw it in one of Gudrun S' tiles, but couldn't read the name and got curious. Thanks G, for the kick in the right direction. And then there is Earjool. I like it. So simple, 4 printemps around a circle, but still so nice and perfect as a filler, too. Lily Bridge is the tangle in white. Bottom left yet another filler.
Tangle Patterns: 'Waves' by Grafistak, Kwazeela, Earjool, Lily Bridge
The Wrong - When I am confronted with a new tangle I practice it before drawing it on a tile - just so I get familiar with it. I am glad I did that with Siri. I drew it on a wonky grid and when I came to draw the inner strip, I noticed I had made a mistake and I started a new one. When both were done, 'unshaded', uncolored, I thought the wrong one was a stronger pattern. So I shaded and colored the correct one to bring out the tangle, but still, the wrong one was more dominant in my point of view.
The wrong...
...and the correct version
Tangle Pattern: Siri in wonky grids
And then there is the Reject. This was my very first tile for last week's DIVA #353, the last heart tile for the month of February. I didn't like it as soon as I put the tip of the brown pen on the green tile, but kept going. I finally got sever eye-pain when I added the white dots in the middle. I was lightning fast in not just throwing it in the bin, but crumbling it beforehand to make sure, I will not retrieve it. The next day I read Michele's coffee & creativity blog. She mentioned using old tangle tiles for her scrap-booking. Jeez, that's it. I am a minimalist, trowing away stuff is my favorite pastime. But things changed when I saw Marta's Art Youtube channel. I have done her envelope journal and am now in dire need of scraps and trash. So the tile came out and when I looked at it I thought 'it's not all that bad, just finish it'. So here it is. Note: I didn't sign it - I refuse to sign it!!! But I have a hot tip: Don't draw with a brown pen on green paper.
Out of the trash
Finished and unsigned
Helen Williams' newest tangle is String Rose Swirls, the same beautiful String Rose she introduced beginning of February, but the Swirls one has tons more lines and she's got video tuts to help along. Below is not the Swirls version. I started with the simpler one and may the day come I dare...
Tangle Pattern: String Rose in wonky grid
Another tangle I got a liking to is ServRing. Here it decorates the corner of my 6th tangle journal.
Tangle Pattern: ServRing
And lastly my training tile for Joey's grafistka waves. I call it "All Hell Breaks Loose". Even the waves got turned upside-down.
Tangle Pattern: Grafistka Waves with PS background
Human Happy Day
A few days ago a Swiss friend of mine visited this year's first biggest European Motor Show in Geneva, Switzerland. She sent me images of futuristic looking cars to dream of and die for and at the end a video. No, it was not from the show (could have been - car theme and all), but from the biggest music weekend of the year in NYC. But hey, car is car.
I try to keep it short. Here my IAST #232 tile with Roloflex and Inapod. Roloflex is one of those tangles I would have never drawn out of my own free will. It needed a challenge by Adele Bruno to make me realize what a beautiful tangle it is. Thanks, Adele.
Tangle Patterns: Roloflex, Inapod
Joey's challenge #205 this week was, I believe, the 'Curls' part of her 6-week theme "Ribbons and Curls". Andromeda was the given tangle. No further words needed except, this is one of my very few tiles that actually look "rounded up" or "finished".
DIVA #353 was a Heart Zendala. I didn't draw a Zendala, but then neither did the DIVA draw an obvious heart so I figured it is OK to still call it 'my this week's DIVA challenge tile'. I used only one tangle, my own, Bubble Heart. I drew Bubble Heart the first on a 6.5 by 6.5 cm glued together coffee packaging, Moccona Classic, tile (this is no ad). It is a very dark red, wine red, but I was surprised when I added the silver gritter nail polish. Jeez, I hope your monitor shows you what mine shows me!
Tangle Pattern: Bubble Heart
My DIVA tile:
Tangle Patterns: Bubble Heart, Fescu-Zinger
This week I also tried my luck with Wholly Hollibaugh. Actually Wholly Hollibaugh was my initial idea for DIVA's last Heart challenge for February. However, my pen couldn't read my absolutely fantastic idea I had in my mind so I buried it. Now it is my very first Wholly Hollibaugh tangle attempt.
Tangle Patterns: Wholly Hollibaugh
This tile I made while we all were on the Rumpus trip.
Tangle Patterns: Rumpus, Drogon, Irma
This is B'twined. A simple tile, drawn with a white gel pen on black paper cut to size. Nobody would give this tile a place on any webpage, but I did because this is my very first tile I drew without using a pencil first. I pencil EVERYTHING!!!! ... even Tipple. This is also a first that my white gel pen works. Isn't that funny...weird funny.
Tangle Pattern: B'Twined
Animal Happy Day - with two videos
Watching the first one, I cried like a leaking tap - but for all the good reasons!!! A few posts ago I wrote about Viktor, a vet in Spain and Elektra, the cat who had a stick pushed up her throat into her spine. Elektra survived the risky OP, but died of a contracted virus a couple of days later. Elektra had loving parents and in this video Viktor documents what they did after their tragic loss. If we only had more of these kind of people!!!
The second video stars a dog named PACO, abandonned, found, and now enjoying the most incredible adventures together with his new dad. These two are made for each other!!!
How to draw EVVIE
Online instructions for drawing Cyndi Knapp's Zentangle® pattern: Evvie.
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