Saturday, June 30, 2018

Joey 222, IAST 249, Calla, Maryhill Orchid, and a Headdress

Square One last week had Lily Moon's Amphora tangle (a tangle I have only seen drawn perfectly by the inventor herself!). After I finished it I couldn't quite decide whether it was a Red Indian Headdress or an old Roman War Helmet. The decision is in the eye of the beholder I assume.

Square One, week June 23rd, focus on Amphora, Veezy minus bubbles, Trique, Clob (for lack of knowing an other tangle name), Square (One) Printemps
Tangle Patterns:  Amphora, Veezy minus bubbles, Trique,
Clob (for lack of knowing an other tangle name), Square (One) Printemps

Joey's weekly challenge, #222, according to her blog, maybe her last. Not just her last in the Front and Center theme, but as her 'weekly challenge' overall series. This is sad and I am already missing venturing to her site late every Monday afternoon to find out what is on her challenge menu. Joey, thank you so very much for all the challenges you put out there for us! Should you ever reconsider, I will be right there following you again!

I made 2 tiles for Joey. The first is a pretty strict, no frill tile...

Joey's Weekly Challenge #222 with tangle Maryhill
Tangle Pattern: Maryhill

...and the 2nd is a more Maryhill abstract or inventive one - I call it my Maryhill Orchid.

Joey's Weekly Challenge #222 with tangle Maryhill, Miff, Raindotty, Tipple
Tangle Patterns: Maryhill, Miff, Raindotty, Tipple

I wanted to do a fun tile with Dublin, but I forgot how to draw Dublin and it turned out more like the flower Calla. I am sure this tangle exists already, hence my sincerest apology in advance for misnaming it.

Fun tile with Tangle Patterns: Calla, Sprangle, Sand Swirl, Tipple
Tangle Patterns: Calla, Sprangle, Sand Swirl, Tipple

IAST #249 with Abeko and Diva Dance or Rock 'n Roll. I hurried to get this done and posted and now I am off watering the gardens.

[10 min later] Oops, I am back. Forgot to bloody publish the post.

IAST Challenge #249 with tangles Abeko and Diva Dance or Rock 'n Roll
Tangle Patterns: Abeko, Diva Dance Rock 'n Roll

And here some real life stuff outside my tangles. I have a new cat visitor. No owner, no name and pregnant. But I know my cat-loving Swiss neighbor will adopt her and let her do her motherly nursing safe and sound in his storeroom-cum-cat nursery. Look at those beautiful light blue eyes...well, the whole cat is beautiful!

*** MISSING ***

Update July 1st: This morning my Swiss neighbor asked me
(and other neighbors he knew the cat visited), whether
I had seen the cat in the last 2 days. It seems, she has
gone missing, but we don't think she was ready yet to
give birth and therefore gone hiding somewhere.
Now, instead of enjoying a nice sunny Sunday,
we all worry about this stray cat!!!!

Nameless, ownerless, pregnant cat
Nameless, ownerless, pregnant cat

Now this is weird. This is a snake skin. I find them every once in a while, but mostly on my bathroom window. However, I never found one that had a knot in it. Believe me! I did not make that knot!!!

Snake skin knot
Snake skin knot

A cactus flower I got from my water pump repair guy. On his last visit he mentioned he has cactus blooming in his garden every day. I couldn't resist. I showed him a new 'opening' in my crowded garden and discretely mentioned that one of his cactus pots would be very welcome to occupy that space. The rest is history. Beautiful as these flowers are, they last but for a few hours.

Cactus flower

And last but not least my senior roommate darling Shadow. He will be 16 in about three months, September 7th to be precise.

My darling Shadow
My darling Shadow

Animal Happy Day

 🎶 Big boys don't cry🎵

And on a slightly different 🎵.... more LEGO brick, please!

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Joey 221, IAST 248, Paradox Stars and a Square One Tile

Paradox Stars on a 12 cm square tile.

Paradox Stars
Tangle Pattern: Paradox

Joey's weekly challenge #221, the last of the 12-week 'Front and Center" theme, with Pais, Beadline, Tipple and a single lone Mooka.

Joey's weekly challenge #221 with Tangle Patterns: Pais, Beadline, Tipple and a single lone Mooka
Tangle Patterns: Pais, Beadline, Tipple and a single lone Mooka

Over at Square One the focus of the week June 15th was Kuke. You can argue the three single flower clusters are Kuke or Henna Drum, but I really just followed the shapes outlines. So in my book it is Kuke everywhere.

Square One week June 15th with Tangle Patterns: Kuke and Henna Drum-Kuke
Tangle Patterns: Kuke and Henna Drum-Kuke

Refresher #181. I am not sure how much longer I will be doing the series. I often find myself scratching my head about the choice of tangles, wondering what on earth I can do with the five. No 181 is such a case. Three of the five were new to me so I drew an extra tile for those, hoping an idea would jump to mind for the fiver tile. Obviously, that wasn't the case. PS: I almost forgot Drawave, but succeeded to squeeze a few waves onto Wacho.

Refresher #181 with Tangle Patterns: Jonqal, Aniane, Wacho, Braidle, Drawave
Tangle Patterns: Jonqal, Braidle, Wacho, Drawave, Aniane

The 181 practice round

The 181 Practice Round with Tangle Patterns: Aniane, Braidle, Drawave
Tangle Patterns: Braidle, Drawave, Aniane

♻️ IAST Challenge #248, monotangle Drupe.

Tangle Patterns: Drupe, invaded by Toodles and Tipples, Seawaves

It's 5 pm soon. Time to water the gardens. My right cheek is still numb from my dentist visit a few hours ago. I am hungry and can't eat, and I am moody and cranky. The whole week was weird, the wrong way round, nothing worked, everything went wrong...and this post is a testimony of it. Now all my hope and focus is on next week. After all, it can only get better - just like for this pooch in...

...Animal Happy Day

Have you ever seen a more beautiful dog?

Thanks for your visit and may your last 7 days have been better!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Joey 220, IAST 247, Bracco-Line, and a Betweed Flower

Presently it seems I am hooked on Bracco-Line, love it to bits. I also promised Ragged Ray to do her new Miff tangle again...and not to mess with it as in my last post. Promise kept! Then there is a new tangle called Purdy with a missing stepout. So I called the Enthusiastic Artist and asked for instructions: "Draw several parenthesis from outside big to inside small. However, be extremely careful not to...." Oops, the phone line broke. Damn, now we will never know the most important warning concerning this tangle!

Fun tile with focus on zentangle pattern Bracco-Line with Purdy, Raindotty, Miff, Beadlines, Sez
Tangle Patterns: Bracco-Line, Purdy, Raindotty, Miff, Beadlines, Sez

Oh no, we just had Puf in another challenge and I didn't do well then (too slim or not puffy enough one and too abstract the other), and now Joey's weekly challenge #220 is Puf. So why would I do this Puf challenge? The answer...

No idea!

So on this tile I violate not only Joey's rule for her 12-week theme Front and Center (it became Back and Off-center), but I also mutilated dear Puf - again.

Joey's Challenge #220 with Tangle Patterns: Loev, Tropicanais, Puf
Tangle Patterns: Loev, Tropicanais, Puf

♻️ IAST #247 challenge is honoring DAD's day with a DAD string and DAD tangles D'Rua, A-Dalfa, and the manly tangle Dex.

IAST challenge #247 with Tangle Patterns: D'Rua, A-Dalfa, Dex
Tangle Patterns: D'Rua, A-Dalfa, Dex

♻️ Scare One, week June 8th, focuses on Loev. Here Loev on two tiles on two intertwined strings as per Helen Williams' String Grid. The 1st tile recycled from a notebook cover and the 2nd tile another 'eco-cum-watercolor' leaves print.

Square One Focus on Loev...stringed
Tangle Patterns: Loev, Fescu

Square One focus on Loev - on eco-cum-watercolor leaf print
Tangle Pattern: Loev

Betweed Flower - a simple and very quick Fun Tile!

Quick Fun Tile Betweed Flower
Tangle Patterns: Betweed

♻️ My first Dingbatz on toilet roll paper where I pulled the sheets apart. Will there be more? Don't hold your breath.

Tangle Patterns: Dingbatz

Focus on Bocksbeutel and Dewd. Happy Birthday, M.G.

Tangle Patterns: Bocksbeutel and Dewd
Tangle Patterns: Bocksbeutel and Dewd

♻️ = Drawn on paper I recycled

Animal Happy Day

A great life changing moment!

Enjoy a great weekend!

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Joey 219, IAST 246, Miff and more, but no DIVA

This week's IAST #246 is about the latest post by Helen Williams where she introduces curving/flowing strings crossing each other on several same spots as the 'string'. Helen calls it the "String Grid". I added it to my other Helen Williams' base grids and lines she introduces in her Tangle Transformation ebook. Thanks, Helen!

IAST #246 with Tangle Patterns: String Grid, Henna Drum, Raindotty, ribbons and a baby bird feather
Tangle Patterns:  String Grid, Henna Drum, Raindotty
ribbons and a baby bird feather

♻️ It's Pokeroot time at Joey's #219 challenge. My Pokeroots are the garden JELLYroot variety - jelly, as in jellyfish in the ocean. Recycled the paper, but forgot what it was. Packaging of sorts.

Joey's Challenge #219 with Tangle Pattern: Poke-cum-jellyroot
Tangle Pattern: Poke-cum-jellyroot

Refresher #180.

Tangle Patterns: Auraknot, Humpzy, Sea Wave, Flutter Net, Remo

My Training Tiny Tiles for above refresher. Out of the 5 suggested tangles 4 I had never done. As usual, I tried my spin on some of them. Humpzy, I had to abstract it!; Sea Wave, oh, it flows so beautifully - left as is; Flutter Net, tried to put it into wonky floating squares; Remo, abstract, but I forgot the lines!!!! Shugar!

Training Tiny Tiles of Tangle Patterns: Humpzy, Remo, Sea Wave, Flutter Net
Tangle Patterns from top: Humpzy, Remo Sea Wave, Flutter Net

Miff. A new tangle by Ragged Ray from The Ragged Ray website and her post "a little something'. I tend to mess around with tangles (above says is all) and - of course - as beautiful as Miff is (click on the post name if you missed it), I had to give it a spin. First I spiraled the line and then I extended the bent 'C's into petals, and thus it became Petaled Miff.

Miff, a new tangle by Ragged Ray, turned into Petaled Miff
Tangle Pattern: Miff-cum-Petaled Miff

Animal Happy Day...or is it!

Hurrah! We humans have not only successfully established ocean shipping lanes, but trash lanes, too! Well done, us! (Sorry for my sarcasm)

Rooting for a great next week that will hopefully
bring this world a bit closer in the future.

Saturday, June 02, 2018

DIVA 364(B), Joey's 218, eco-dyeing, a mosaic, stippling, and more

Another ✔️ on an item on my "I-Always-Wanted-To-Do-This" listing; this time for "eco-dying". I am anything but a cook so steaming for 2 hours (!) was out of the question, I had to come up with a fast and "raw" eco-dyeing technique and what jumped to mind was water colors. I am still testing, but the first results are not too bad.

Not sure I can still call it 'eco' but here is my first yellow 'eco'-dyed tile with focus on Keenees, an inspiration I got from this week's Square One.

Square One Focus tangle Keenees
Tangle Pattern: Keenees

Still under the theme "Front and Center" this week's Joey challenge, #218, features the tangle Dicso.

Joey's weekly challenge #218 with Dicso with some rocks
Tangle Patterns: Dicso with some rocks

...and cut from the same 'eco'-dyed paper as Keenees but featuring a variation of Dicso off-center.

Joey's weekly challenge #218 with Dicso
Tangle Pattern: Dicso

Here is the original yellow 'eco'-dyed water color paper I used for Keenees and Joey's challenge.

eco-dyed with water color and pressed with old leaves
eco-dyed with water color and pressed with old leaves

DIVA #364B or DIVA #364 of May 28th? I checked the site several times this week and wondered why the 364 didn't change to 365. Was the DIVA late again? Then I scrolled down just to make sure I didn't miss anything and there it was: DIVA #364: Puf!

My first DIVA tile got off to a bad start. I messed up Puf. So I messed it up even more (I mean if you mess up, mess up big) and now Puf is unrecognizable and I have a fun tile. Perfect!

Tangle Pattern used to be Puf, now it is Unrecognizable Puf
Tangle Pattern used to be Puf,
now it is Unrecognizable Puf

DIVA attempt #2. This tile is also made using the eco-dyeing water color technique, but this time I used it on normal drawing paper. I am still testing...

DIVA Challenge #364B or from May 28th with Tangle Patterns Puf and Lee Bee
Tangle Patterns: Puf, Lee Bee

I recently noticed that I haven't seen anything from Meridiana for a while. So I visited her site and found out, she had been very busy with a recent Zentangle workshop followed by her very own first real Zentangle teaching job. Congrats, M!

The workshop was basic stuff, but in her 3rd post I noticed a mosaic that interested me. I had to do it! Now! No adding another item to my infamous "I-Always-Wanted-To-Do-This" list. Thanks, Meridiana, for a great inspiration!

So here a quick tile with a great mosaic effect...

Single Mosaic tile with Tangle Patterns: Pokeroot, Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh, Tipple
Tangle Patterns: Pokeroot, Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh, Tipple

...and here the mosaic tiles comprised by above tile.

Big Mosaic tiles with Tangle Patterns: Pokeroot, Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh, Tipple

Big Mosaic tiles with Tangle Patterns: Pokeroot, Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh, Tipple

I am now the proud owner of my own Mosaic tiles!!!!

Update: WOW! Thanks, Meridiana, I am greatly honored!
You dedicate a 
whole post to me and my tile/mosaic. I am speechless!

♻️ This is another item from my "I-always-wanted-to-do-this" tile series. I don't refer to the tangle Rundl or Molygon (inspired by last week's DIVA "Remake"), but printed paper. This tile is cut out from the local Fascino drugstore glossy magazine...and it will be the only tile cut out from a glossy magazine (color pencil on glossy paper...nope!). Newspaper paper up next.

Fun Tile with Focus on Printed paper with tangles Rundl, Molygon and Sweet 101.
Tangle Patterns: Rundl, Molygon, Sweet 101

And the new tangle of the week is....Hearts & Diamonds by Helen Williams from a little lime. I made mine on a wonky grid and that forced me to put a spin on it. I couldn't do the lines as per pattern, only aura'd half of the hearts and filled the diamonds with duo color stippling.

Helen Williams' new Tangle Pattern: Hearts & Diamonds
Tangle Pattern: Hearts & Diamonds with 2 color stipling

♻️ A fun tile drawn on tracing paper glued on bed sheet packaging paper (= half recycle?). When I drew Bracco-Line, a gorgeous tangle, I realized how gracefully it flows into Ilac. Meanwhile I am still practicing my ribbons....

Fun Tile with Tangle Patterns: Aloha, Sand swirl, Ilac, Bracco-Line and a ribbon
Tangle Patterns: Aloha, Sand swirl, Ilac, Bracco-Line
and a ribbon

And finally Bracco-Line duo-colored stippled on a TT.

Tangle Pattern: Bracco-Line stippled
Tangle Pattern: Bracco-Line stippled

Animal Happy Day

Tissues! Tissues, please!

Enjoy and have a splendid week/weekend!

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