Inktober day 1 and 2 feature Mooka and Yah. On this tile I also added the day 1 challenge "Poisonous" from the original Inktober inventor challenge, Jake Parker. Additional tangles are Onamato, Raindotty, Tipple, SeZ, and Miff.
Tangle Patterns: Mooka, YAH, "Poisonous" with Onamato, Raindotty, Tipple, SeZ, Miff
Inktober18 day 6 - Pais. Actually this is DIVA challenge #370 and Inktober18's Pais is only hopping on this tile because it compliments the DIVA's Mezzanine tangle so beautifully. Some Tipple for garnishing.
Tangle Patterns: Mezzanine, Pais and Tipple
Inktober18 day 8 - Cockles 'n' Mussels. Recently, when the tangle Dropug was published I knew I had to draw it. It was just that kind of tangle. Then on my quest to keep up with the Inktober18 days my eyes scanned the list and the coin dropped. I can use Dropug and populate its big white spaces with Cockles 'n' Mussels listed for day 8. "Perfect!", me thinking. And again with an eye into space.
Tangle Patterns: a string of Dropug, and Cockles 'n' Mussels
IAST challenge #263 with a 3-wave horizontal string and the tangles Kettling, Sails, and AHH. I am happy to announce that I finally finished a IAST challenge tile in time and was able to send it in to Adele Bruno who tickles us to tangle. My tile is called "The Rising Sun" a la 'East' and 'Thailand' and while it is obvious that AHH! is the sun Kettling are clouds and Sails are Heaven and Earth. (Between you and me, I could have done a better job had I thought of it before I had finished the tile!!!!
Tangle Patterns: Kettling, Sails, Ahh!
Refresher #188 with tangles IX, VO, Siri, Heart2Heart, Ten-shun.
Tangle Patterns: IX, VO, Siri, Heart2Heart, Ten-shun
There is a third 'Inktober' called Mandalatober18. The list is half as long because a challenge is listed only every other day. So for day 1 we have "Smallest Mandala". Mine is the "smallest" among all the Mandalas I've ever made (and I can count mine on one hand): 5cm (2") across. I took a square, traced it 3x in different positions, cut off 5mm on 2 sides, traced it again 3x in different positions and did this 3 more times. The middle is filled with some sort of Paradox. I may mention I am no Mandalatangler and this will very likely be my only contribution to the month challenge.
Tangle Patterns: Squares and some Paradox
Other Art
Chest Playing Sand Elephant
We have all seen sand art, sand castles or tangle-like pattern designs in the sand, but a deep in thoughts chest playing elephant with a mouse as an opposing partner? Click here to see more images of these amazing game players.
Elephant/Mouse Chest game competition
Animal Happy Day
Litter kills you and me and chipmonks IF not for a very thoughtful mailman. Thank you, Mr. Mailman, a job well done.
Enjoy tangling and have a happy week ahead of you!