Tuesday, January 31, 2023

7F5R A Fragment of your Imagination 2023; Refresher 244; New Fragments

A Fragment of Your Imagination January 2023

by 7F5R - 3rd Year Running

Jan 1 Gift Wrap Box
Jan 2 Y7 in a circle
Jan 3 Lola
Jan 4 Bravensword

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 1 Gift Wrap Box,  2 Y7 in a circle, 3 Lola, and day 4 Bravensword
Tangle Fragments: Gift Wrap Box, Y7, Lola, Bravensword

Jan 5 Folium
Jan 6 Salt
Jan 7 Zigoli

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 5 Folium, 6 Salt, and day 7 Zigoli
Tangle Fragments: Folium, Salt, Zigoli

Jan 8 Spider, sorry Sparkle Web...but it could be Spider Web.

Fragment of Your Imagination Challenge 2023 Jan 8 Sparkle Web
Tangle Fragment: Sparkle Web

Jan 8 Sparkle Web inside Jan 6 Salt
Jan 9 B5 or Onamato

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 8 Sparkle Web inside Jan 6 Salt, and day 9 B5 or Onamato
Tangle Fragments: Sparkle Web, B5

Jan 10 Giffairy
Jan 11 G15 or Quandary
Jan 12 Pikoruairi

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 10 Giffairy, 11 G15 or Quandary, and day 12 Pikoruairi
Tangle Fragments: Giffairy, G15, Pikoruairi

Jan 13 Big Kiss inspired fragment
Jan 14 Thansi (half round)
Jan 15 C-Curve Auras
Jan 16 Balperds

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 13 Big Kiss inspired, 14 Thansi (half round), 15 C-Curve Auras, and day 16 Balperds
Tangle Fragments: Big Kiss, Thansi, C-Curve Auras, Balperds

Jan 16 Balperds. Now how this fragment got its own bookmark tile I still don't understand. I wasn't all that enthusiastic about Balperds at first. A case of "Change My Mind".

A Fragment of Your Imagination Challenge 2023 Jan 16 Balperds
Tangle Fragment: Balperds

Jan 17 TikTik
Jan 18 Printemps (in one continuous line)
Jan 19 All4FragShapes
Jan 20 Lililinde

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 17 TikTik, 18 Printemps, 19 All4FragShapes, and day 20 Lililinde
Tangle Fragments: TikTik, Printemps, All4FragShapes, Lililinde

Jan 21 Fescu
Jan 22 KiaOra
Jan 23 Thethered Aura

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 21 Fescu, day 22 KiaOra, day 23 Thethered Aura
Tangle Fragments: Fescu, KiaOra, Thethered Aura

Jan 24 Tripiko - outside in and vice-versa 
Jan 25 MyMuze and MyMuze with Jan 13 4 Big Corner Kisses

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 24 Tripiko with day 13 4 Big Kisses, day 25 MyMuze
Tangle Fragments: Tripiko, MyMuze, Big Kiss

Jan 26 Rayz
Jan 27 Tripoli Pizza with Jan 30 Pandepic Toppings in a Z-string
Jan 28 Yerba

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 26 Rayz, day 27 Tripoli Pizza with day 30 Pandepic Toppings, day 28 Yerba
Tangle Fragments: Rayz, Tripoli, Pandepic, Yerba

Jan 29 Crescent Moon, Yingcut
Jan 31 Slice of Pie with Cherry 'on the side' and Keeko filling

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 day 29 Crescent Moon, Yinguct, day 31 Slice of Pie with Cherry on the side and Keeko filling
Tangle Fragments: Crescent Moon, Yincut, Slice of Pie, Keeko

Click here for the Google Album A Fragment of Your Imagination (FYI) 2023.

7F5R's Additional Fragments

10 of the additional fragments squeezed onto a 5 x 5 cm tile.
The Sparkle Web fragment in the new tangle Foundabout.
The button and crown looking fragment.

Fragment of your Imagination January 2023 additional fragments
Tangle Fragments: Miscellaneous

Mooka together with my own Condor fragment and a fragment I based on a tangle (unknown to me) Preeti Gupta CZT drew on this tile. I labelled it FO-Z001. (see below). Additional tangles: Msst, Florz, Sez, and Tipple.

Tangle Fragments/Tangles: Mooka, FT-Condor, FO-Z001,
Msst, Sez, Tipple, Florz

OK, so I got a little carried away with this year's 7F5R's FYI Challenge...but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

A Fragment of your Imagination 2021, 2022, 2023 Google Albums.

New Fragments

New Fragment FO-z001

New Fragment FT-Condor


Refresher #244 with tangles Braze, 123 O’Leary, Jago, Moonesque, Youdoo published January 6, 2023.

Refresher #244 with tangles Braze, 123 O’Leary, Jago, Moonesque, Youdoo
Tangle Patterns: Braze, 123 O’Leary, Jago, Moonesque, Youdoo

Animal Happy Day

It is the year of the Rabbit. If you have enough of watching Rabbit videos...

...then here is Viktor's Gloria, one of the sweetest dogs now ready for adoption. Gloria was in Viktor team's care for 6 months. She had a broken leg and the owner(s) dumped her on a pig farm. I followed Gloria's story over many videos and I am so happy Viktor never listens when followers tell him to amputate a dog's limp for financial reason and/or quicker healing. He never ever listens and if Gloria could talk she would thank him today for his generosity and patience.

In this 2nd video of Gloria's rescue Viktor explains a bit more about her injury and how her kind of breed is used, or better abused, in Spain. Spain, a country in Europe, with a smaller country tucked in its ocean side, and a microstate called Andorra... ehh... Spain is still lacking major animal laws and lots of dogs are abandoned, mistreated, tortured, or inhumanely killed when hunting seasons are over or when the dog can no longer perform. I may add that Gloria's case is not the worst I have seen by far!

Now back to sunnier it a case of hiding or playing Ostrich?

"C.Oooooooo! C.O. where are you!"
"C.O. I can't C U!"

C.O. hiding or playing Ostrich

Thank you, visitor, for hopping by
and I wish you a splendid day!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Tangle 365 - Daily Bite-Sized Prompts December 2022; Refresher 241, 242, 243

...continues from last post with the 2nd part of the November 2022 prompts ...

Tangle 365 - Daily Bite-Sized Prompts 2022 - December

Day 335 (December 1) Phroz with Day 336 (December 2) Heba
Day 340 (December 6) Fran
Day 337 (December 3) Yuliset
Day 339 (December 5) Fission with Day 341 (December 7) Btl Joos

Tangle 365 Day 335 (Dec 1) Phroz with Day 336 (Dec 2) Heba, Day 340 (Dec 6) Fran, Day 337 (Dec 3) Yuliset, Day 339 (Dec 5) Fission with Day 341 (December 7) Btl Joos
Tangle Patterns: Phroz, Heba, Fran, Yuliset, Fission, Btl Joos

I experimented with Phroz, but prefer the one above. You cannot say I didn't try. 
Day 335 (December 1) Phroz, Phroz with fish, and Phroz with Day 336 (December 2) Heba.

Tangle 365 Day 335 (Dec 1) Phroz
Tangle Patterns: Phroz, Heba

Day 338 (December 4) Hurry

Tangle 365 Day 338 (Dec 4) Hurry
Tangle Pattern: Hurry

Day 342 (December 8) Meer within Meer and the purpose of the Heart = give this tile some color.
Day 344 (December 10) Cheers
Day 343 (December 9) Zigzatree** with Day 347 (December 13) Kiki
Day 345 (December 11) Wikpik
**Zigzatree half-half with ZigzaTree's 'Pine Cone'

Tangle 365 Day 342 (Dec 8) Meer, Day 344 (Dec 10) Cheers, Day 343 (Dec 9) Zigzatree with Day 347 (Dec 13) Kiki, Day 345 (Dec 11) Wikpik
Tangle Patterns: Meer, Cheers, Zigzatree, Kiki, Wikpik

Day 345 (December 11) Wikpik bookmark

Tangle 365 Day 345 (Dec 11) Wikpik bookmark
Tangle Pattern: Wikpik

Day 346 (December 12) Victorian Flake   
Day 346 (December 12) Victorian Flake in Hexagon

Tangle 365 Day 346 (Dec 12) Victorian Flake
Tangle Pattern: Victorian Flake

Tangle 365 Day 346 (Dec 12) Victorian Flake in hexagon
Tangle Pattern: Victorian Flake in Hexagon

Day 348 (December 14) Floo/Flooish
Day 360 (December 26) Rome

Tangle 365 Day 348 (Dec 14) Floo/Flooish with Day 360 (Dec 26) Rome
Tangle Patterns: Floo-ish, Rome

Day 349 (December 15) Hamail with Day 350 (December 16) Circus
Day 351 (December 17) Munchin with Day 352 (December 18) Ethan

Tangle 365 Day 349 (Dec 15) Hamail with Day 350 (Dec 16) Circus and Day 351 (Dec 17) Munchin with Day 352 (Dec 18) Ethan
Tangle Patterns: Hamail, Circus, Munchin, Ethan

Day 353 (December 19) Excellence with Day 354 (December 20) Arukas

Tangle 365 Day 353 (Dec 19) Excellence with Day 354 (Dec 20) Arukas
Tangle Patterns: Excellence, Arukas

Day 355 (December 21) Croon with Day 357 (December 23) Meriberries
Day 356 (December 22) Twilight Zone
Day 358 (December 24) Firecracker buddies

Tangle 365 Day 355 (Dec 21) Croon with Day 357 (Dec 23) Meriberries, Day 356 (Dec 22) Twilight Zone, Day 358 (Dec 24) Firecracker buddies
Tangle Patterns: Croon, Meriberries, Twilight Zone, Firecracker

Day 361 (December 27) Plaited Star

Tangle 365 Day 361 (Dec 27) Plaited Star
Tangle Pattern: Plaited Star

Day 359 (December 25) Fiboro
Day 362 (December 28) Frost Flower with figure skater
Day 363 (December 29) Beebug with Day 364 (December 30) Oysteroid, and Day 365 (December 31) Cheerz

Tangle 365 Day 359 (Dec 25) Fiboro, Day 362 (Dec 28) Frost Flower with figure skater, Day 363 (Dec 29) Beebug with Day 364 (Dec 30) Oysteroid, and Day 365 (Dec 31) Cheerz
Tangle Patterns: Fiboro, Frost Flower, Beebug, Oysteroid, Cheerz

And thus ends my yearlong commitment to a challenge I was often challenged literally. Would I be able to pull it off? That thought sprang to mind more than I cared for. However, now I can say I drew all  365 prompts and collected them all in my dedicated Google Folder

If I thought I had it tough, think again. The leader of the pack, Tabitha Bedoukian, not only produced the 12 pdf files with the monthly prompts (30-+ tangles each month with links to step outs and no accidental repeats!), but she also participated in the challenge. My sincere thanks go out to you, Tabitha. 

Will there be another Tangle 365 in 2023? A few days ago Tabitha announced that she has another challenge for 2023, it is called Tangled Journeys. Click the link if you are interested. 

As for me, I will take it a bit easier this year. A month at a time sounds just about fantastic right now...

...and off I am into my January commitment with 7F5R's "A fragment of Your Imagination"....


Refresher #241 with the tangle bundle containing Schway, Peace Out, Wigwag, Owline, and Trumpets. It was published October 14, 2022.

Refresher #241 with tangles Schway, Peace Out, Wigwag, Owline, and Trumpets
Tangle Patterns: Schway, Peace Out, Wigwag, Owline, Trumpets

Refresher #242 with tangles Three & Three, Dana, Loxo, A-Frame, and Seespan. Published November 11, 2022.
Loxo reminded me of Neurographica so I made either a big mess of my refresher the tile or a Neurographica Imposter.

Refresher #242 with tangles Three & Three, Dana, Loxo, A-Frame, and Seespan
Tangle Patterns: Three & Three, Dana, Loxo, A-Frame, Seespan

Refresher #243 and the tangles Ahh, Xlnt, Odir, Typzi, and Bonnie. Published December 9, 2022.

Refresher 243 with tangles Ahh, Xlnt, Odir, Typzi, and Bonnie
Tangle Patterns: Ahh, Xlnt, Odir, Typzi, Bonnie

Animal Happy Day

Another sad-turned-very-happy doggy story. This time about a dying mama dog named Sheena. Her babies were rescued...

,,,YES! and she is alive and well, too. (I couldn't resist the tease.) Once Sheena was A-OK Animal Aid found a foster home to take care of her and her 6 little treasures until they can be adopted.

"Now Coal, what do you think of my blog?"

"Maybe next time you keep your opinion to yourself..."

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