Saturday, March 01, 2025

Monotangle Mondays; My New Tangle LeafRing; 7F5R Challenge; Inspired by...

Monotangle Mondays

I fell behind on Zen Gulf Cafe's Monotangle Mondays due to January's Fragments challenge and while I was gone, MM had gone, too. It was replaced by something I haven't had a chance to closely look into. 

Then I learned that Monotangle Mondays series 2 had finished, but series 3 will start soon. Good news! I like 1 tangle, 1 tile, 1 week. Just what the doctor ordered.

So the last 4 Monotangle Mondays in series 2 were:

December 30 with Orlique. A simple tangle, only lines drawn across each other. I had no idea what to do with it so I conducted some investigation and found a nice Orlique tile on the website called Crafts by Betsy. Thank you. Betsy, you saved my day.

Monotangle Mondays December 30 - Orlique
Tangle Pattern: Orlique

Monotangle Mondays January 6 - Pea-Nuckle. I drew pea-nuckle before and found the stepout quite challenging. So I constructed my own stepout.

Monotangle Mondays January 6 - Pea-Nuckle
Tangle Pattern: Pea-Nuckle

and here Pea-Nuckle in a duet with my new tangle LeafRing (stepout and more LeafRing samples below).

Monotangle Mondays January 6 - Pea-Nuckle with Leafring
Tangle Patterns: Pea-Nuckle, Leafring

Monotangle Mondays January 13 - Quandary

Monotangle Mondays January 13 - Quandary
Tangle Pattern: Quandary

Monotangle Mondays January 20 - Rixty with a Jonqual border.

Monotangle Mondays January 20 = Rixty with Jonqual
Tangle Patterns: Rixty, Jonqual

7F5R Challenge

Tuesday Tangle of the Day February 18, 2025 with Meadowsong, joined by a slightly liberal interpretation of Remo. 

7F5R Tuesday Tangle of the Day challenge Feb 18, 25 featuring Meadowsong with Remo
Tangle Patterns: Meadowsong, Remo

Another Meadowsong tile, representing underwater kelp.

7F5R Tuesday Tangle of the Day challenge Feb 18, 25 featuring Meadowsong representing underwater kelp
Tangle Patterns: Meadowsong, Tipple

New Tangle LeafRing

StepOut to my new tangle Leafring.

My new tangle LeafRing Stepout
Tangle Pattern: Leafring Stepout

My new tangle LeafRing with Damsel Leaf
Tangle Pattern: Leafring, Damsel Leaf

Sometimes less is more. Another LeafRing tile.

My new tangle LeafRing
Tangle Pattern: LeafRing

LeafRing as a string with Nymph, Ruutz, Tipple, Fescu and half a Wavlin with criss-cross lines.

LeafRing as a string
Tangle Patterns: Nymph, Ruutz, Tipple, Fescu, Wavlin

Inspired by...

...Spectra, one of my newer tangles. Step-out and sample tiles click here.

Inspired by...Spectra
Tangle Pattern: Spectra

...a crazy Amplion.

Inspired by...Crazy Amplion
Tangle Pattern: Amplion

...a simple unfoldable artwork I saw on FB. So while drawing the above bookmark style Amplion I decided this is a great idea to try out the 'contract/expand' or 'fold/unfold' here. In my eagerness to get this tile working I lost track of what is up and what is down. I know Eni Oken has her close/open cards, but this style is just easier and less complicated for me to draw.

Crazy Amplion folded...

Crazy Amplion folded


Crazy Amplion unfolding/expanding

...unfolded. The middle part is what made me aware this looks upsidedown...(any upsidedown similarity with the video below is purely coninsidental).

Crazy Amplion expanded I turned it on its back just like the baby elephant in the video below and now the middle part looks familiar, Amplion-like. 

Crazy Amplion upsidedown or right-side-up
Tangle Pattern: Amplion

Time to Kill

My brain teasers are back. As per many past posts try to figure out what the illustrations might 'spell'. Solutions are at the bottom of this post in the smallest font possible so, in case you accidentally read them before you had a chance to figure them out, they are well hidden. Click on the image to enlarge.

Animal Happy Day...or is it?

Elephant suspence thriller

Thank you for visiting and have a nice day.

1 – Freeze over
2 – Caveman/Mancave
3 – Catwalk
4 – Hiking in the woods (High king)
5 – Sandbox
6 – Lovebirds

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