Sunday, January 31, 2021

7F5R Fragments Challenge January 1-31, 2021

This post is all about the month long challenge by 7F5R (7 Forests 5 Rivers) called "A Fragment of Your Imagination Challenge 2021" for January 2021. 

Week 1 - January 1-3

Day 1 - 'Z' Aura'd.   I always wanted to do this kind of framing, but lacked courage. There were so many beautiful samples out on the net... I felt intimidated. I gave it a half-hearted try a few times, but they all landed in the trash and so I accepted the fact that I will never own a tile sporting this wonderful framing art. However, when this challenge came up, 'something' aura'd, I decided Now or NEVER. So here my first and probably only beautiful framed tile ever.
Day 2 - H024
Day 3 - B011

Day 1 - 'Z' Aura'd, Day 2 - Fragment H024, Day 3 - Fragment B011

Week 1 - January 4-7

Day 4 - Mali - 2 Tiles
Day 5 - L025
Day 6 - E014
Day 7 - Paradox.   This paradox is slightly altered. Instead of drawing the lines in progressive order I drew opposite sides first or every other side.

Day 4 - Mali, Day 5 - Fragment L025, Day 6 - Fragment E014, Day 7 - Paradox

Week 2 - January 8-10

Day 8 - Bales - 2 Tiles   I started by drawing diagonals on a tile when I noticed that I made a mistake. I should draw a diagonal/vertical cross. Once I finished that 4 squares tile I still had the tile with the diagonal cross. Out of curiosity on how it would turn out I made the second tile. The embellished centers I remembered from drawing Boterblom by Ellen Wolters.
Day 9 - C013
Day 10 - Tangent

Day 8 - Bales, Day 9 - Fragment C013, Day 10 - Tangent

Week 2 - January 11-14

Day 11 - Jetties
Day 12 - Inaflux, made another with Joki.
Day 13 - Betweed
Day 14 - "Black Widow Spider"   The fragment for this day didn't have a name only a description of how to draw it: 2 straight lines followed by subsequently curving auras. When I drew it I felt it lacked something. So I gave it eyes, teeth and added 8 legs to one and oops! I had my "Black Widow Spider" fragment.

Day 11 - Jetties, Day 12 - Inaflux and Joki on 2nd tile, Day 13 - Betweed, Day 14 - "Black Widow"

Week 3 - January 15-17

Day 15 - X007 in a triangle
Day 16 - D001 - 2 Tiles
Day 17 - Tripple+   It got its name from Tipple and the 'original' fragment shows 3 Tipple hence Tripple. I added dots and thus mine became Tripple+

Day 15 - Fragment X007 in a triangle, Day 16 - Fragment D001, Day 17 - Tripple+

Week 3 - January 18

Day 18 - Meringue   A replacement for F012 which there were just too many similar ones in the challenge. This Meringue pattern is based upon an Ellen Wolters' U-Tube video where she draws Meringue in a circle.

Day 18 - Meringue

Week 3 - January 19-21

Day 19 - 'Cadent' with 4 spokes
Day 20 - Printemps inspired
Day 21 - Unnamed fragment.   There was a description to the sample and it read: This Fragment is basically 3 smaller fragments joined at the center.

Day 19 - 'Cadent' Like, Day 20 - Printemps. Day 21 - Unnamed fragment

Week 4 - January 22-25

Day 22 - Cubine - replacement for the 4 Crescent Moons
Day 23 - Cruffle inspired
Day 24 - Another unnamed fragment.    Here it said: This Fragment was created with 3 darkened orbs and an inner aura. Somebody give it a name else I enter it into my triangle fragment page as FT-Z005 because I quite like it.
Day 25 - Dealys

Day 22 - Cubine, Day 23 - Cruffle, Day 24 - Unnamed fragment, Day 25 - Dealys

Week 4 - January 26-28

Day 26 - Flux
Day 27 - Fassett and Shattuck   The Fassett Tower tile I looked up on this U-Tube channel. The colored tile is an alien tile. I think it could pass for Shattuck?  
Day 28 - Flux2 (2 = square)   This day was actually reserved for Moonesque....well, maybe I give it a try some other day. 

Day 26 - Flux, Day 27 - Fassett, Day 28 - Flux2 (2 = Square)

Week 5 - January 29-31

Day 29 - Iugo
Day 30 - Fescu
Day 31 - Fracas

These Fragment tiles were all drawn on Bijoux tiles (5x5cm). I never drew on these much smaller tiles and I have to admit, it was great fun. So, I decided I will continue drawing fragment bijoux tiles....

These tiles are also in my Google Album Fragments of Your Imagination 2021

Time to Kill

Time for thinking a bit stronger...the 2nd lot in the difficult second quiz set. For newcomers, "SANDBOX" is the example of how to 'read' and solve the 4 following puzzles. The results are at the bottom of this post in the smallest, tiniest font size just in case you accidentally scroll down and read what you didn't want to read just yet.

Puzzles 5-8. Good luck.

Animal Happy Days

I am absolutely sure this gorgeous little puppy got lost all by himself and wasn't abandoned by his owner. No doggy owner could be so cruel to set this cutie out in nowhere land, right? 

CO, my adoptive cat parent (he adopted me not the other way round) is doing very well, but he said that he doesn't want to appear on a fragmented page in fear to be fragmented himself. He never understood what 'fragment' means in the Zentangle jargon. Well, from what I read on Facebook, he is not alone. 

And hence another month/post publication has past. Thank you all so much for taking the time to visit. 

5. It's a small world after all, 6. Unfinished symphony, 7. Blood is thicker than water, 8. Seven-up


  1. A very surprising post with completely different work than I used to see from you but I like it! It is very interesting for me to see what you did with all these fragments. Never seen that doing in that way! I didn't find the time to follow this project but it is always pleasant to discover new challenges.Well done Susie!

    1. Thank you very much, Ria, for your kind comment. These tiles are certainly different, but it was a lot of fun just to play with a given fragment or tangle name and produce something smaller in size. I keep doing it...


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