Monday, November 13, 2023

INKtober 2023

INKtober 2023

31 Days of Inkktober 2023 following Stephanie Jennifer's .pdf in irregular sequence.

Day 1 Beelight
Day 3 Caro.

Inktober 2023 Day 1 and 3, Beelight and Caro
Tangle Patterns: Beelight, Caro

Day 2 Flame Flower

Inktober 2023 Day 2 Flame Flower
Tangle Pattern: Flame Flower

Day 4 Sunbelt
Day 18 Zutto
Day 27 Camus

Inktober 2023 Day 4, 18 and 27, Sunbelt, Zutto, Camus
Tangle Patterns: Sunbelt, Zutto, Camus

Day 5 Nayu
Day 21 Enoc
Day 22 Syndeo.

Inktober 2023 Day 5, 21 and 22, Nayu, Enoc, Syndeo
Tangle Patterns: Nayu, Enoc, Syndeo

Day 6 Imaritas

Inktober 2023 Day 6 Imaritas
Tangle Pattern: Imaritas

Day 7 Foundabout Extended

Inktober 2023 Day 7 Foundabout Extended
Tangle Pattern: Foundabout Extended

Day 8 Barz
Day 28 Kasual

Inktober 2023 Day 8 and 28, Barz, Kasual
Tangle Patterns: Barz, Kasual

Day 9 Bailarine
Day 19 Knightsbridge
Day 25 Onamato.

Inktober 2023 Day 8, 19 and 25, Bailarine, Knightsbridge, Onamato
Tangle Patterns: Bailarine, Knightsbridge, Onamato

Day 10 Buldiz

Inktober 2023 Day 10 Buldiz
Tangle Pattern: Buldiz

Day 11 Dark Busters
Day 14 Prima
Day 29 Oasis

Inktober 2023 Day 11, 14 and 29, Dark Busters, Prima, Oasis
Tangle Patterns: Dark Busters, Prima, Oasis

Day 12 Amath
Day 23 Roos

Inktober 2023 Day 12 and 23, Amath, Roos
Tangle Patterns: Amath, Roos

Day 13 Icanthis
Day 20 Kalooa
Day 31 Pokeroot

Inktober 2023 Day 13, 20 and 31, Icanthis, Kalooa, Pokeroot
Tangle Patterns: Icanthis, Kalooa, Pokeroot

Day 15 Scara

Inktober 2023 Day 15 Scara
Tangle Pattern: Scara

Day 16 Walnutz
Day 26 Miliacrown

Inktober 2023 Day 16 and 26, Walnutz, Miliacrown
Tangle Patterns: Walnutz, Miliacrown

Day 17 Acropolis

Inktober 2023 Day 17 Acropolis
Tangle Pattern: Acropolis

Day 24 Flutch unbound and Flutch stacked.

Inktober 2023 Day 24 Flutch
Tangle Pattern: Flutch

Inktober 2023 Day 24 Flutch

Day 30 TriXYZ

Inktober 2023 Day 30 TriXYZ
Tangle Pattern: TriXYZ

Time to Kill

A new set of 6 puzzles. #3 is a bit small; it reads 'Legs' with 5 'g's, and #5 I enlarged. Solutions - as always - right at the end of this post in the smallest font size in case you accidentally scroll all the way down without having had a go at the puzzle first. (I drew a blank on #4.) 

Time to Kill Puzzle

Enlarged #5

Animal Happy Day...

...and how TikTok is fake? 

I first came across a TikTok video in Facebook where a mother Deer blocs a car and leads him to her bambi entangled in a soccer net. At the end a really fantastic scene happens and I decided that I check whether youTube has the same video so I can place the video here. 

Yeap! Found it. Or better said I found the exact same footage which is shown at the end of FB video, but it was a different video. One is fake.

Here the link to the FB TikTok video...

...and here the youTube.


Snakey, Snakey

Winter is acoming. Well, not exactly here in Thailand, but we do have a cold season. And in cold season our snakes are looking for warmth. A few days ago I found this beauty in my garden. I never kill snakes or rodents or whatever. They all have a purpose in life and on this earth, so I quickly fetched my too snake catching tools (fishing nets) and captured the intruder. While I carried it out towards an open field I noticed how docile it was. So before the final release I hurried back to get my mobile to shot some images. I believe it to be a baby Boa, but what do I know about snakes.

Snake still resting in my snake catcher fishing net
Still caught in my fishing net, but...

Back in the wild again
...released and happily back in the wild again.

Finally the over-and-out and a thank you for visiting my post. However, not before showing Coal in his latest exercise routine. Caught him just before doing the corpse pose Shavasana. 

Coal following my Yoga lead
...twist your knees to your right, arms to your left and
get comfy....

Solution to above puzzle:
1 – Trip around the world or around the world trip
2 – Lemonade
3 – Long legs
4 – advice
5 – Spaceman
6 – Big bad wolf

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