Monday, April 24, 2017

Inspired by... Faux Weave

Recently an email snowed into my inbox from the website A Little Time (I subscribed to it) by Helen Williams, where she introduced us to her new tangle pattern Faux Weave. I knew right away I had to give that tangle a try. It is again a one stroke pattern for which I am actually not very talented, but after reading her convincing easy-to-do instruction, no 10 horses would have stopped me. Pen in hand, her website open in my browser, I started my Faux Weave exercise... and, surprise, surprise, a few minutes later I drew my version of it using her meanwhile famous 'wonky grid' and was quite satisfied.

Inspired by...Tangle Pattern Faux Weave - Faux Weave in wonky grid
Pattern: Faux Weave in wonky grid

Two days later I still felt a nag a the back of my mind, hmmm... there is more to the tangle. Back to the drawing board and I came up with Faux Weave World.

Inspired by...Tangle Pattern Faux Weave - Faux Weave World
Pattern: Faux Weave World

As soon as the circle version was done, I went back to my drawing board and tried different shapes until I had the triangle version.

Inspired by...Tangle Pattern Faux Weave - Faux Weave Hershey
Pattern: Faux Weave Hershey

Okay, great, I like that too, but.... What if I aim at the straight line ends narrow and wide...more like a Paradox. And a flowery Faux Weave was born.

Inspired by...Tangle Pattern Faux Weave - Flowery Faux Weave
Pattern: Flowery Faux Weave 

Next day the flowery version idea got bigger...Here on a piece of paper that I still had from my messy experiment with eye shadow. I had since rubbed off all the loose eye shadow and the tile looked great to be used for a special tangle.

Inspired by...Tangle Pattern Faux Weave - Faux Weave Pedal Flower
Pattern: Faux Weave Pedal Flower

I had just finished another tile the next when Faux Weave was creeping in my conscious again. What if I stack Faux Weave segments on a string? So here we have Faux Weave as String Beads.

Inspired by...Tangle Pattern Faux Weave - Faux Weave String Beads
Pattern: Faux Weave String Beads

And finally! Faux Weave Balls. Of course!

Inspired by...Tangle Pattern Faux Weave - Faux Weave Balls
Pattern: Faux Weave Balls

Please note that all these Faux Weave segments were drawn with ONE stroke! Yes, I finally did it.

What is your Faux Weave version?

Anybody reading this post, if you have an idea how you like to draw Faux Weave - as a Monotangle or combined with others - you can put your link to your tangle in the comment section and let me know whether I may add your image to this page as well. It would be my honor to add it here and have a mile long page to scroll. And please, click here to let Helen know of your version, too, and place the link on her page as well. I am sure she'll love that.


  1. Wonderful inspiring post Susie, I didn't draw Faux Weave already but I'm gonna give it a try in my sketchbook.
    It is very interesting to see what you can do with only one tangle.
    All different ways look good, but of course I have my favorites:
    3. Hershey
    2.String Beads
    1. Pedal FLower, absolutely gorgeous!


    1. It is indeed a great tangle and once you start drawing it all kinds of "what if I drew it this way or that way" ideas pop up in your mind. I would still be drawing Faux Weave segments right now had I not swapped my drawing desk for my computer desk to publish this post. Thank you very much, Ria, for your kind words and your interesting choice. I do hope you find time to draw your FW version...

  2. Gosh, I love it when you explore a tangle! there is so much inspiration here

    1. Thanks, HeidiSue. I love doing that. Have one more with your stippled tipple garnished. Have to say, I really like your idea of shading tipple this way and am glad you made it larger. Thanks.

  3. Love, love :) Beautiful exploration of this tangle.

    1. Thank you very much, Helen. I had a lot of fun experimenting with your tangle Faux Weave.
      (Jeez, do I have problems replying to your comment, Helen. Hope it works now.)


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