Saturday, April 28, 2018

IAST 240, Joey's 213, and Refresher 177

Here we go, another Joey's challenge (#213) surprise! Looks like I am still 'Building Bridges', but this time I left HaKrall at home and built my bridges with Frames alone.

Joey's Weely Challenge #213 with Tangle Patterns: Frames or FramesTOO
Tangle Patterns: Frames or FramesTOO

IAST #240 is very much geometrical with Flukes and Cubine, adding the half geometrical tangle Elirob.

IAST Challenge #240 with Tangle Patterns: Elirob, Flukes, Cubine
Tangle Patterns: Elirob, Flukes, Cubine

Refresher #177 from the website Tanglepatterns brought 3 new tangles for me to 'experience' with. Everything went fine with Lollywimple and Ponio, but Winflo...

Refresher #177 with Tangle Patterns: Ellish, Andromeda, Lollywimple, Winflo, Ponio
Tangle Patterns: Ellish, Andromeda, Lollywimple, Winflo, Ponio

Sorry, Nadine Roller. It looks gorgeous when you draw it, but I have visibly 2 left hands when drawing Winflo. Even my several different attempts to draw it this way or that didn't bring the result I was hoping for. So here are Winflo Bouquet, Winflo Liana, Winflo stacked, and Winflo vine... and I still have 2 left hands.

Tangle Pattern: Winflo 4 ways (Bouquet, Liana, Stacked, Vine)
Tangle Pattern: Winflo 4 ways (Bouquet, Liana, Stacked, Vine)

The following are some of my tiny tiles of this week.

Tangle Pattern: Clob with Andromeda
Tangle Pattern: Clob with Andromeda

Tangle Pattern: Coil with Fluxecho
Tangle Pattern: Coil with Fluxecho

Tangle Pattern: Tupuk, Lollywimple, Ponio and...Winflo again

Tangle Pattern: Tupuk, Lollywimple, Ponio and...
Winflo! again

angle Pattern: Carre's and Bridge

Tangle Pattern: Carre's and Bridge 
One day I have to do a big tile with just Bridge

Tangle Patterns: Elirob
Tangle Patterns: Elirob

Animal Happy Day

Ahhhh! I love Pitties!

And here something really weird. Animals have eyes, but what kind of eyes? Imagine they have HUMAN eyes... and now click here to see how that would look like.

Thanks for visiting and have a nice week!

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