Friday, February 03, 2017

Alphabet Challenge Letter E

MadeByJoey letter challenge #150 is all about the letter E. The required E-pattern is one I hadn't done yet, the organic El Prada.

My first try was my own lowercase 'e' string which turned out to have a stark resemblance to a whale. (If you ever have to draw a whale, draw a lowercase 'e'.) While I was sketching out the string and the patterns I thought of Lori at All Things Tangled and her bold but simple, clean, perfect, and outstanding style that always reminds me of "Less is sometimes More".

Patterns: El Prada, Elata

My second E completes my tradition of capital and lowercase letters.

Patterns: El Prada, E-Ivy

And then I honored Joey's 'e' string. However, I got so caught up in drawing all those little elf hats, I didn't notice that the string got almost lost in the background. Oh well.

Patterns: El Prada, Elfhats

Just when I was ready to upload this page I happened to come across a new E-pattern that grabbed my attention: EAXY by Nadine Roller in Koeln, Germany. On first look it seemed easy, but don't be fooled. My tip: follow her instructions to a T and don't try to use an eraser if you sketch the pattern before finalizing it on the tile.

Patterns: El Prada, Eaxy and an elephant head for the letter e


  1. Beautiful work! I especially love the organic nature of the first tile.

  2. What beautiful tiles! I love them all!

    1. Thanks, Joey. And thanks for the challenges you put me through.

  3. Very lovely tiles. Eaxy is a high focus tangle and I like the way you did it.


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