Friday, March 03, 2017

Alphabet Challenge Letter I

We are one/third into MadeByJoey's alphabet challenge (#154) and I am still hanging on. This alone is a short milestone for me.

The challenge this week is a lowercase i with the new-for-me pattern icanthis. I-can-this. I had a quick look at it and thought: icanthisnot. It looked too intricate, too complicated, too ... filigree. Still, with some hope I clicked on the link to the instructions. I started to draw a few leaf tips, then some more, then the little 'u's, then I connected the little 'u's, and then I connected and got hooked. I love icanthis and I have the tile to prove it (see below). Thanks, Joey, for the gentle kick in the butt.

Here my lowercase i with two other patterns new to me: i-leaf and izland flower.

Patterns: Icanthis, I-Leaf, Izland Flower

Here the proof that I love icanthis. I got so carried away drawing icanthis I almost forgot to draw the capital I.

Patterns: Icanthis, Icanthis, Icanthis, Icanthis, Icanthis
with some Isochor


  1. Two really gorgeous tiles! I think I like the first one better, tho. And like you, I was so surprised to find out how easy Icanthis is to draw. Great job!!


    1. Thanks, Joyce, I agree with you on tile "i". But I really enjoyed drawing "I" tile while I was still in in Icanthis beta mode.

  2. Love it! now I want to play with Icanthis! That second one is just so luscious...good stuff!

    1. Go for it, HeidiSue, go for it!!!! I am sure you will love it, too. Oh, and thanks for the great comment.

  3. I like Icanthis too, it Looks hard but somehow it just turns out! Nice tiles Susie :)

    1. Exactly right. That is how I experienced Icanthis. I am glad Joey twisted my arm to learn it, else I would never have touched it. Thanks Trudi.

  4. Again tree wonderful tiles, love your beautiful way of drawing Icanthis (especially on the second tile)and your Pokeroot on the I.A.S.T challenge!

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Ria. Icanthis I love and adore and the tiles almost finished by themselves. I cannot say the same for IAST - indeed. Luckily I was saved by the bell, else I might have tried a 4th and 5th tile to get it right.

  5. These are both stunning! Gorgeous colors, composition and shading! Fantastic!

    1. Jennifer, thank you so much for your awesome comment on both my tiles. As for the colors: the white was too white so I took some of the yellow above and the yellow was too yellow so I stole some white off the white below. Makes sense, doesn't it.

  6. Oh, this is so beautiful and I am so glad that is now I-can-this and not icanthisnot. I also felt like you about this, but also now like the tangle.

    1. There you go, another lesson learnt, don't give up before you tried it. Welcome to the ICANTHISNOW club. Thanks Susan.


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