Thursday, June 01, 2017

IAST Challenge 197

This week, It's A String Thing (IAST #197) introduced us to a new tangle called Tint. I fell instantly in love with it - I adore these kinds of tangles. Organic, free of restraints (speak grid), and enough variation possibilities for the tangle never to get boring. Thank you so very much, Henrike Bratz!

For this challenge I used my left-over coffee stain tile from the DIVA challenge #312 - finally it found its good use - and the tangle Tint is accompanied by Bales (took it out of its grid) and Antidots as per 'requirement'.

Patterns: Tint, Bales, Antidots

I couldn't resist and made a Tint monotile. Actually it is the Tint warm-up before attempting the IAST tile, I drew it with pencil on a white scrap of paper to be discarded at the end of the day (YES! I can really say "at the end of the day" here). However, the next day the warm-up was still on my desk. So I thought I use my brown Micron, which I bought some time ago and never used, to trace the pencil lines - again, a warm-up before attempting the real stuff. When the tracing was done I applied some color. Pink to brown strokes???!!! Where's my head??? Luckily this is still just a warm-up for the real thing, of course.

But then, it didn't turn out all that bad (I thought), Maybe a little tweak to compliment the main tile color scheme once that was done? (I had time to play.) So I applied a bit of Photoshop magic and now it looks very much OK (in my eyes!).

Here the PS tweak...

Pattern: Tint

...and here the original.

Pattern: Tint

Elephant Happy Day

This is a story that has a very special place in my heart. It is Mosha's story. A Thai elephant who lost its leg when he stepped onto a landmine at the border to Myanmar. He is being cared for by the only elephant hospital in Thailand, if not the whole of Asia, that was founded by a Thai veterinarian.

Soraida Salwala, founder of FAE's Elephant Hospital,
soothes Baby Honey in 1993.
I first heard about Soraida Salwala in the early 1990s when she was in the news here in Thailand and abroad because she wanted to help a baby elephant called Honey that got hit by a truck on a road in Bangkok and broke its hip. When the baby elephant was denied help and a few months later died, Soraida, who stayed with Honey the whole time, swore, no more elephants have to die because help is too expensive or she founded the world's first elephant hospital under the foundation Friends of the Asian Elephant.

Honey's story - part 1
Honey's story - part 2

Here a video that shows the affections elephants display towards people they love.


  1. You really have magical fingers!
    What you sent for this challenge and also for the Diva's 318 th. are so beautiful, I love all those results, the way the tangles are drawnn, the colours and the compositions!!!
    Very touchings video's of a wonderful animal. Always happy to discover that there are people everywhere, trying to help them!
    Have a nice weekend Suzy

    1. Thank you very much for your special comment on my tiles, Ria. I am starting to realize how much better a tile looks like when it has a distressed background. You use them often and that just adds volume, depth, and an interesting focal point to the tile. But I think I was just lucky here. Didn't plan much, just started drawing.


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